Spring Semester-Week 4

 "Lewis and Clark and Me"

YouTube Resources:

US Presidents: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NanFtO_16rs

RS Story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9JoBUrDLBE

Lewis and Clark Expedition: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91IbDuiJNdM

President Jefferson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r91tkfkrUAk

WordWall Practice

Lewis and Clark story facts: https://wordwall.net/resource/87321040

Week 4 Vocabulary activity: https://wordwall.net/resource/87752155

Story Summary

In 1803, Lewis and Clark were planning to explore the Louisiana territory after being asked by the USA's third leader, President Jefferson.

Meriwether Lewis buys a dog named Seaman from a dog seller.

Mr. Lewis tells the dog seller that he's heading west which is up the Missouri River.

The seller knows the Mississippi River, but not the Missouri River.

The two rivers are connected. The dog seller tells Mr. Lewis that the dog has webbed feet.

Mr. Lewis bought the dog with webbed feet called Seaman for twenty US dollars.

Mr. Lewis wrote that Seaman is a Newfoundland dog in his journal.

While Lewis, Clark, and their crew were in the Ohio River, Seaman helped them catch fish and squirrels.

There were hundreds of squirrels that were attracted to the hickory nuts near the Ohio River.

Seaman's webbed feet made it easy for him to swim in the water to catch dinner for the crew.

After that, Seaman continued to help Captain Lewis and his crew hunt for their dinner for three years.

Seaman saw Lewis and Clark talk to Indians, which are now known as Native Americans, and they talked to them about President Jefferson's orders to explore the area.

One of the Indians, who spoke some English, said that Seaman was a bear.

Captain Lewis showed that Seaman was really a dog and made him fetch a stick.

The group of Shawnee Indians called him "bear-dog" and wanted to buy Seaman.

Mr. Lewis didn't want to trade Seaman and left them.

Week 4 Vocab Definitions – Lewis and Clark and Me 

 1 expedition (n.): a special journey for a specific purpose 

 2 explore (v.): to travel to new places to learn about them 

 3 Newfoundland (prop. n.): a province of Canada; a breed of dog 

 4 purpose (n.): the reason for doing something 

 5 wilderness (n.): wild and natural area where few people live 

 6 bought (v.): past tense of to buy; paid money for something 

 7 spirit (n.): inner quality of someone 

 8 highway (n.): major roads 

 9 trapper (n.): a person who catches animals in traps 

 10 wildflower (n.): a flower that grows in the wild 

 11 sniff (v.): to take air in through the nose; usually to smell something 

 12 straighter (adj.): more straight 

 13 scratch (v.): to make a mark with something long, thin and sharp

 14 drown (v.): to die in water 

 15 webbed (feet) (adj.): having skin connecting toes on a foot 

 16 current (n.) : a stream of moving water in a river or ocean

 17 recognize (v.): acknowledge that you see someone or something you know 

 18 powerful (adj.) : strong in body, mind, or in a position of power 

 19 tighten (v.) : to make tighter or more firm

 20 urge (v.) : to hurry or to make someone feel the importance of something 

 21 fetch (v.) : to get something for somebody 

 22 stroke (n.) : hand movements in the water

 23 exhausted (adj.) : to feel super tired in body, mind, or spirit 

 24 admiration (n.) : the respect for someone or someone’s work 

 25 Indians (prop. n.) : a name for the native peoples of North America 

 26 observation (n.) : things that have been seen and heard 

 27 scrawny (adj.) : too skinny and weak 

 28 impress (v.) : the feeling of awe and amazement in a positive way 

 29 consult: (v.) to give and get advice 

 30 separate: (v.) to leave someone or something

Week 4

Homework 回家功課





1. Write Week 4 Vocabulary 1-15 x2 + definitions + Chinese




1. Write Week 4 Vocabulary 16-30 x2 + definitions + Chinese

2. Worksheet 1: Story and Vocabulary




1. Write short sentences with ten of the vocabulary words




1. Read the "Lewis and Clark and Me "Reading Worksheet

2. Sensay

3. Read the "Ten important Sentences" Worksheet


 1. Writing Practice Worksheet

2. Grade 4 shared worksheet



Grade 4- I2

Day 8-More Reading Activities and Reminder to Bring the Books

Day 12-"Hottest, Coldest, Highest, Deepest" Introduction, Expository Text, Homework, and Sensay