Spring Semester 2025: Week 1

 Hello everyone, welcome back to school for the new semester.

I hope that we all have a wonderful semester together.

Winn Dixie Story Video: 


Winn Dixie Story Summary:

The first story will be about a girl named Opal, whose father is a preacher, and her dog Winn Dixie.

They go on adventures together, and they visit the library to borrow some books.

While Opal is in the library, Winn Dixie is looking through a window outside.

When the librarian, Miss Franny, sees the shadow of Winn Dixie, she thinks that it is a bear.

After Opal tells her that it's her dog, the librarian tells an old story of when a bear came into the library. 

She threw a large book, War and Peace, at it and the bear took a book with it.

They all laugh at the story, but Miss Franny is the only one who recalls the bear because her friends have 

passed away.

Later on, Opal's classmate, Amanda, wants to read an advanced book because Johhny Tremain is too easy for her.

Although Amanda seems rude to Opal, she is happy that she has a friend now.

Week 1 Vocab Definitions – Because of Winn-Dixie 

1 grand (adj.): impressive; excellent 

2 memorial (adj.): something that honors a person (or many people) who died in an event

 3 peculiar (adj.): unusual; weird 

4 positive (adj.): without a doubt; sure of something 

5 prideful (adj.): having too much pride about oneself 

6 recall (v.): to remember; often with many details 

7 select (v.): to choose out of a group

 8 admire (v.): to like or respect a lot 

9 magnet (n.): a piece of material that can attract certain metals like iron, nickel, or steel 

10 contest (n.): competition 

11 method (n.): way of doing something 

12 custom (n.): a habit or tradition 

13 rally (n.): a large, public meeting to oppose something 

14 soccer (n.): a sport that involves kicking a ball into a net; European football

 15 engine (n.): a machine that changes energy into motion 

16 sudden (adj.): happening quickly; usually unexpectedly

 17 finger (n.): one of the five long parts of the hand 

18 accident (n.): a sudden event that is not planned and can cause damage or injury

 19 mitten (n.): a type of glove that only has a separate part for the thumb 

20 intend (v.): to mean to do or say

 21 fabric (n.): material often used to make clothes, soft furnishings etc 

22 flatten (v.): to make something flatter 

23 rascal (n.): a kid or teenager who gets into trouble or annoys people 

24 gutter (n.): long, hollow device attached to a roof to collect rain 

25 mammal (n.): type of animal that feeds milk to its young and usually has hair or fur covering its skin 

26 happen (v.) : occurs as an event, process, or result 

27 cannon: (n.) a large and heavy gun, usually with wheels or on a ship 

28 with: (prep.) having, in possession of 

29 cousin: (n.) a family member that is the son or daughter of an aunt or uncle 

30 diversity: (n.) differences between the parts of a group of things, ideas, or people

Please Note: We will be doing Sensay and Savvas homework again this semester.

Also, the next two stories will be Lewis and Clark, and The Horned Toad Prince.

Our schedule: 

Week 1

Homework 回家功課





No School




First Day-No Homework


Feb. 12th

1. Worksheet

2. Write Vocabulary Words 1-15 x2 + definitions + Chinese translations



1. Write vocabulary words 16-30 x2 + definitions + Chinese translations

2. Sensay

Feb. 14th

  1. No Homework


  1. Hi, Mr. Peppo,
    I am Webb's Mommy Kelly. Nice to have a chat with you on this blog.
    Rrgarding older woman name in this Winn Dixie Story Summary, it should be Mrs. Franny Block indtead as Naomi in Florida. Am my understanding correct?




Grade 4- I2

Day 8-More Reading Activities and Reminder to Bring the Books

Day 12-"Hottest, Coldest, Highest, Deepest" Introduction, Expository Text, Homework, and Sensay