Day 10-Vocabulary Review and Test Day

 Hello parents and students,

As you may recall from yesterday's blog, today is the testing day and it was an interesting one since it was the first real test that I've had with this group. Many people know that tests can be a useful indicator of students mastery of certain knowledge and a signal that shows that they need to improve on something. That being said, there is no need to place students under so much stress that they can't function properly and there is more to life than just a number on a test. 

However, this test did show me who studied properly, who needs better study habits, and what I need to change to the class style and to my style of making tests. 

First, I need to require students to take some notes during my class. Hopefully, this can be done with the "bubble book" or with a personal notebook. 

Second, there are a couple of questions that I realized might have the correct answer up for debate so I will accept more than one answer for Part 4-Number 2 and Part 5-No. 5.

Third, for Part 6 "Ten important Sentences" section of the test, I'll need to give a list of sentences for parents to review with their children at home starting from the next unit.

Fourth, I'll give them Part 6's points if they do their test corrections with a blue pen since I2 seemed unprepared for this type of testing questions.

Thanks for all of your support and feel free to ask me questions.



Grade 4- I2

Day 8-More Reading Activities and Reminder to Bring the Books

Day 12-"Hottest, Coldest, Highest, Deepest" Introduction, Expository Text, Homework, and Sensay